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Fördergesellschaft Finanzmarktforschung

Logo Foerdergesellschaft

The Fördergesellschaft Finanzmarktforschung e.V. is a non-profit organisation and it supports the CFR. Currently, the Fördergesellschaft Finanzmarktforschung includes 32 members.

Download: Statute of the Fördergesellschaft Finanzmarktforschung e.V. (in German) (pdf)

Board of the Fördergesellschaft Finanzmarktforschung

Dr. Rudolf Apenbrink
HSBC Deutschland
Dr. Andreas Dartsch
Sparkasse KölnBonn
Matthias Schellenberg
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank
Michael Stölting

Sponsoring Members      

Institutional Members

Sponsors CFR Assistant Professorship Sustainable Finance

We would especially like to thank the sponsors whose donations made it possible to establish the Assistant Professorship for Sustainable Finance at the University of Cologne: | © 2004-2024 | webmaster